Wednesday 18 May 2011

Advertising...My Passion!

It took me four years to figure out that the only field that I want to be in is Advertising. My two years stint as a Client Servicing Executive at Orchard, Bangalore before marriage was the best phase of my life...not because it was a cake walk but because every day was a challenge and a game of what's gonna happen today? It was fun in the sense I absolutely loved the pressure that came with work mostly from the client's side and sometimes from within-the creative, the studio and the finance dept. Running around for the operations, writing briefs for campaigns and trying to be in tune with the creative ideas put forth by the creative team is a great way to spend the time on a daily basis. Minutes turn to days and days into weeks and weeks into months and months into years and with every passing day you get to learn so much (most often from your own mistakes). Sometimes I wonder how did I so easily give it all up to settle down into being a homemaker? Now after 4 years I can't hold myself rearing to get back into this great field and completely immerse and surrender myself into its unending abyss of colorful & exciting world. 

1 comment:

  1. I swear.. it's a lot of pressure, but i guess the best field to work in.. I wish you get this role sooner than later:).. pray for u
