Wednesday 25 May 2011

Books, letters and cards....memories!

Since am here at my parents place visiting for the summer, I just happened to open an age old box that contained many novels from school days, few diaries and loads of cards and letters.An entire afternoon was spent in going through the cards and letters that mostly dad and some close friends had written and sent many years back. The letters from Dad brought back memories of those days spent awaiting for a reply from dad while he was posted at Siachin Glaciers or at Kashmir or Arunachal. I remember how eagerly I would wait for his letters and with the same eagerness would sit down to reply to his letters. I have preserved every letter that my dad ever wrote to me and I must confess that every time I read them it makes me all emotional and feel all the more love for my dad. Now that we have internet and email ids the art of writing letters has disappeared and to be frank we are too busy to pen down few words to our near and dear ones. My dad is pretty tech savy and he's kept up with the changing times and emails on a regular basis.
I used to keep a diary while in school and that habit too has disappeared over the years. As I read through some of pages from my diary I felt silly to think that back then the problems that appeared "big" were after all not so big. However it was nice to have all those things flooding back from the memory and remember those school days -classmates, picnics, crushes, punishments, laurels, tears, heartbreaks and so on...
While most of the people that I used to correspond with through letters and cards have disappeared into oblivion there still remain one or two who remain close to my heart.
It was an afternoon that made me all emotional and touchy and I thought of mailing everyone and telling them how much they mean to be but then if we were so quick with our actions as our thoughts, life would be different am sure.

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