Friday 2 September 2011

On my way...

A few months back I was desperately trying to find what I enjoy doing the most or to be more precise trying to find where I fit...funny but I guess I was always meant to be a molder and here I am a lecturer in a junior college doing just that...molding future teachers.
Sometimes things are right there in front of our eyes and we fail to see them. So true in my case. All the while I was pursuing the right field/profession but was out of focus.But I guess what's meant to be will be and no matter how good and strong a fight we put up, fate will bring us back to right where we are meant to be, so hey presto here I am doing what I guess I am best at.
It's just been a little over a month and I absolutely love my college and the subjects I'm teaching. It presents be a pretty good amount of challenge on a regular basis and I just love head butting them.
The best part about the college where I work is that there are only 5 lecturers including me and so there's no scope for playing dirty and everyone is very forthcoming.
After a long time I am happy and satisfied with what I am doing and so for the time being here is where I have pitched my tent and plan to harvest what I reap.